At the start of 2021, California’s family and medical leave law, the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), expanded its coverage to apply to smaller employers—from employers with 50 or more employees to those with just 5 or more employees. More recently, during the 2021 legislative session, California’s governor signed legislation to add “parent-in-laws” under the
Understanding CFRA: Who Is A “Family Member”?
The new year brought several important changes to the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). One key change that employers should be aware of is the expansion of the scope of individuals who qualify as “family members” under the law.
The CFRA allows eligible employees to take up to twelve weeks of protected leave for reasons…
Understanding CFRA: Who Is Eligible for CFRA Leave
With the recent expansion of the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), employers who previously were not covered under CFRA now find themselves having to navigate the murky waters of the law. From the basics such as who exactly is eligible for CFRA leave to the more complicated issues dealing with how CFRA works for…
California Leave Bills Employers Should Watch
Though employers may feel like California just wrapped up its legislative session for 2020, the 2021 legislative session is already in full swing. February 19 was the last day for the proposal of new bills. However, Assembly members and Senators have until September to revise and amend proposed bills before submitting them to the…
California’s Governor Signs Several Bills Causing Bold Changes to Employee Leaves
California wrapped up its 2020 Legislative Session with the Governor passing several bills that bring dramatic changes to employee leave requirements.
One of the first bills signed was Assembly Bill 1867, the statewide COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave. AB 1867 fills in some of the exceptions contained in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act…
New California Law Significantly Expands Employee Entitlement to Family and Medical Leave
California employers with as few as five employees must provide family and medical leave rights to their employees under a new law signed by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 17, 2020. The new law significantly expands the state’s existing family and medical leave entitlements and goes into effect on January 1, 2021.
Governor Already Planning Big Changes to California Leave Laws
As California employers continue to grapple with recent legislation effective January 1, California Governor Gavin Newsom is releasing his plans for even more employment legislation. Along with the Governor’s proposed budget, the Governor has announced various “trailer bills.” Trailer bills are measures that accompany the annual state budget that theoretically are necessary to implement the…