Whenever a court holds that coming to work is an essential function of an on-site job, it is worthy noting given what seems to be frequent challenges to this common sense principle. In Mecca v. Florida Health Services Center, Inc. (M.D. FL, February 3, 2014). the court held that coming to work is an
essential function
Common Sense Prevails: Driving a Fire Engine is an Essential Function of a Firefighter’s Position
Sometimes common sense seems to provide the answer to an “essential function” question, but not always. For example, we posted recently about a case where the issue was whether hearing was an essential function of a lifeguard position. Common sense may suggest the answer is “of course” but then we noted that the lifeguard with…
Adverse Impact on Co-Workers of a Requested Accommodation under ADA Relevant in Determining Essential Functions
We posted recently about an Eighth Circuit decision in which the court held that rotating shifts was an essential function because “[i]f [plaintiff] were switched to a straight day shift and not required to work the rotating shift, then other Resource Coordinators would have to work more night and weekend shifts.”
Another court has…
Rotating Shifts is Essential Job Function, Citing Impact on Co-Workers as Well as Business Justification
Recall our post concerning the claims of the acrophobic bridge worker and incontinent court reporter that rotating through job assignments was not an essential function of their jobs. Now comes a “Resource Coordinator” seeking a straight day shift as an accommodation to her disability and claims that working rotating shifts is not an essential function…