The new Utah Vaccine Passport Prohibition legislation (HB 131) prevents most Utah businesses from requiring employees or patrons to be vaccinated for any disease. The new law will take effect May 3, 2023.
Read more here.
mandatory vaccines
New York State Department of Health Regulation Requiring COVID-19 Vaccine for Healthcare Providers Declared Null and Void Because it Conflicts with Public Health Law
On Friday, January 13, 2022, a New York State Supreme Court Judge for Onondaga County struck down the New York State Department of Health regulation mandating certain healthcare professionals be “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19, declaring the regulation to be “null, void, and of no effect.” (Medical Professionals for Informed Consent, et. al. v. Bassett, et…
EEOC Updates Its COVID-19 Guidance to Reflect Current State of COVID-19 in the U.S.
As the pandemic continues to evolve, so does the EEOC’s guidance. On July 12, 2022, the EEOC once again updated its COVID-19 guidance: What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws to reflect the pandemic’s changing state. The updated guidance follows CDC’s June 10, 2022 statements regarding…
Puerto Rico Extends Mandatory Vaccination to Dining and Entertainment Sectors
Puerto Rico has made COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for additional industries after Governor Pedro R. Pierluisi extended vaccination requirements for employees in the health and hospitality sectors beginning August 16, 2021. Under new Executive Order (EO-2021-063), restaurants, theaters, and other establishments in the dining and entertainment industries must comply with requirements for mandatory vaccination beginning August…
Puerto Rico Implements Mandatory Vaccination of Certain Employees, Reinstates Mask Requirements
Puerto Rico Governor Pedro R. Pierluisi has issued an Executive Order (EO-2021-058) making COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for all public employees in the Executive Branch. EO-2021-058, which goes into effect August 16, 2021, also recommends that all commercial establishments and private entities that are open to the public implement similar requirements.
In addition, the…
New Jersey: Vaccines Or Testing for Workers in Healthcare and High-Risk Congregate Settings
New Jersey is requiring employers in covered healthcare and high-risk congregate settings (“covered settings”) to establish a policy that: (1) mandates vaccinations or weekly testing for workers; (2) creates a system to track the results of the applicable testing requirements; and (3) creates a system to communicate the results of such testing to local public…
Just as you may have been preparing to settle into a relaxing Memorial Day Weekend, the EEOC issued additional informal guidance today concerning COVID-19 vaccination issues. Although there are still many holes to be filled, and employers continue to be left with incomplete guidance, here are some initial highlights and observations: