This week, Governor Steve Sisolak signed a law requiring private employers with 50 or more employees in Nevada to provide 0.01923 hours of paid leave for each hour an employee works. Employees must be permitted to use up to forty hours of available paid leave “without providing a reason to his or her employer.” Nevada’s
Medical Marijuana Musings
Medical marijuana is in the news for a variety of reasons.
On the legal front, the primary issue is that the federal government classifies marijuana as a controlled substance while 20 states have passed laws allowing its use for medical reasons. President Obama’s spokesperson said recently that the President “does not, at this point, advocate a change…
Lawful Use of Medical Marijuana Not a “Lawful Activity” in Colorado
A Colorado law prohibits employers from terminating an employee for “engaging in any lawful activity of the premises of the employer during nonworking hours…” Another Colorado law allows individuals to obtain a license to use medical marijuana.
The Colorado Court of Appeals has held that licensed medical marijuana use is not a “lawful activity” under…
Working Through the Workplace Haze from Connecticut’s New Medical Marijuana Law
Under a new Connecticut law, a “qualifying patient” with a “debilitating medical condition” may obtain a supply of marijuana from a licensed dispensary to alleviate symptoms or effects of such symptoms. The statute lists eleven “debilitating medical conditions” and gives the Department of Consumer Protection the ability to add others.
The act also gives guidance to address the…